Monday, June 24, 2013

This post will be on Rebel Heart by Lizzy Ford. I am going to be straight up about this. I hated it. The story made no sense, the characters were dull, and the setting was plain.
Plot: The problem with the plot was that there wasn't one. I had no idea who the bad guys were, who the heroine and hero were running from and what was so damn bad about them. I can't say anything besides that because that was all i got.
Characters: Lana was boring and was a coward. She hid behind people, let people die, and wouldn't tell people who were trying to help important information. She was stupid and has no personality. Brady was a bit better in the personality department but has too much personality. Like he was two different people. One second he is nice the next he ismad and killing things. No exaggeration. The whole story was silly and pointless. I see why it was so cheep on my Kindle.
My final say is don't read this. I personally give it 0 stars. It was that bad. Also this story contains sex but there is no graphic recounting or happening of it. They say it happen and that's that. I'll go with 14+ to read this one, but as i said before don't waste your time or money.
To get a summary of the book here is the link:

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