Rating: 3stars
Plot: The plot was fun and interesting. I found that it was a bit like Shiver but with coyotes, It still was good but lacked originality. I will pick up the second one because of the massive cliff hanger. Curiosity killed the cat, as they say. I felt it was very short and was glad I got an ARC because of how short it was would have been a waste of my money. Try combining them to make one big book? I don't know. All I do know is I would have been pissed to have bought it and it been that short.
Characters: They characters were good a bit boring and predictable but still good people. There was insta love but for a book that short it was necessary. I didn't get too emotionally involved with the charterers because we don't learn enough about them to feel anything deep. In the beginning I really didn't like Lou. She was summed up a list of the three worst things:
"If Eloise (Lou) Whittaker had to narrow down the worst things ever in her life to a list, the top three would go as follows:
3) Uncooked chicken. When it's all, like, pink in the middle? Gross.
2) Her father dying. Which was really tied for number one with . . .
1) Moving because her dad died."
To me that seems shallow and I wasn't the only one who felt that way. I agree, though, that after the first chapter things got sooo much better. It still wont make my all time favorite reads shelf but it is still good enough to pick up the sequel.
Ending: The ending was a huge WTF moment. I felt like I was asleep and in the huh moment.
Why yes, yes it did.
So yeah cliffhanger that was a bit hmm cliche but meh I can deal.
Good book, good writing, good enough to pick up the sequel.
Arc provided in exchange for an honest review.
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