Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Every Last Breath Jennifer Armentrout

Hey guys! Yes I am back! I'm so sorry I've been MIA lately. I really have been so busy with work and school which I know is no excuse but I'm here so don't hate me. I really feel bad I haven't blogged lately because its my way to pay back the authors and spread the word about amazing books. So I'm back with a review of the third book in the dark element series by Jennifer. I loved this series as a whole but this book was absolutely phenomenal. But wait...I'm getting ahead of myself.

Rating: 5/5 stars

Okay so that's the trailer for Every Last Breath but I suggest to not watch it if you haven't read the first two books because its slightly spoiler-ish.

Since I'm still super lazy that is a synopsis of the book from Goodreads. I think Goodreads does a great job of describing without spoiling anything because I've run into sites that literally give everything away.

My Opinion: Okay so I literally love almost everything Jennifer puts out in the world but this one just blew me away. I will admit it hasn't knocked any of my top five out of place but its still in the ranking of the top 20. This is such a unique book because of it supernatural content. Gargoyles always seemed really freaky to me...I mean look for yourself...
What the f**k? No. But of course Jennifer has to go and somehow make them sound sexy and badass. Her talent is endless I swear. Then not only does she make stone creatures cool, she has to go out and make super sexy demons with tattoo's and piercing in all the right places. Makes even a nun want to sin...too far? But anyways look for yourself...again...
*wipes drool off face* This book series is HOT. Like seriously do not read this around your parents or grandparents because things get awkward fast. Trust me I have first hand experience with the situation. For example:

"Catherine, why are you drooling so much. Wipe your mouth."
"Oh...uh...uh...sorry Nan...I...I need to...Bye!" *runs to find her own sexy demon and when she comes up empty she goes home and lays in her bed with her cute doggies and wishes she had her own Roth* 

Also #teamroth.

But yeah so basically my honest opinion is if you don't go out and get any of Jennifer's books your stupid and have no harsh? I really should work on that...
Characters: Layla...she is the protagonist of the story. Her character development is some of the best I've ever seen. She changes from an insecure girl to a beautiful, confident woman. She is taught literally her whole life that she is an abomination and that she should be ashamed of her demon half. She fears herself which is just heartbreaking. Layla has a cool little skill that helps her tag demons so the wardens can hunt them down and send them back to hell. But then Layla meets Roth who pretty much tells her everything isn't so black and white. Just because you're taught something is evil doesn't mean it is and the same for good. Roth tells Layla the the world isn't so black and white, that there are 50 Shades of Grey (I couldn't help myself #sorrynotsorry). But in all seriousness he shows her that things aren't always what they seem. Layla is one of my favorite female protagonists ever. 
Roth...there is only two words I have to describe him...sinfully sexy. But readers come to find out that Roth isn't just good looking...nor is he just another horrible, evil demon. He has a heart and does so much good. He saves Layla and sacrifices himself for her. He is the exact definition of don't judge a book by its sexy, tatted, pierced cover because there is more to him than meets the eye. His love for Layla has no bounds. I really wish there were more guys in the real world like him. You just have to read the book to understand what I mean. As a side note...Cayman who is Roth's best friend...I think...I mean ****SPOLIER**** Cayman snaps Roth's neck at one point...anyways Cayman bring comedic relief and even more life to a book that is just literally alive in your mind and heart.

Zayne...His development was not as obvious as the others because I think Zayne didn't have much developing to do. He was already a good person to start off with. The only development was his relationship and feelings towards Layla. He is the other love interest but since he has a soul Layla can take it and kill him. That never stops him and he always does what he can to help Layla. I liked him and have lots of respect for him. Even if he does turn to stone...still creepy...

Ending: So yeah...The end was kinda left open. I'm not sure if she plans on continuing in that world like Covenant Series and the Return or if she has any other plans. She hinted at a couple of things towards the end that got me wondering. But besides the half open ending, it ended well for our protagonist. Jennifer has this style when you kinda know how its gonna end because I think she like the rest of us loves happy endings and that things always work out in the end. I recommend reading all her books especially Covenant and Lux Series. This is definitely a series you should pick up as well. The ending satisfies and doesn't ruin the whole series like some authors I know...(Veronica Roth) just kidding...kinda...not really...WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIE!!!??

I regained control of myself. Sorry about that. Here is my final reaction of the series as a whole.

Seriously...pick this book series up. You'll find yourself in love with the characters, story, and author in no time and become a creepy stalker like me and my friends who probably creep her out because we always go to her book signings. I'm not crazy I promise.


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