Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Book: Sentinel
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout a.k.a J. Lynn

Genre/Rating: Paranormal/Romance/Fantasy/Action
Recommended if you like: Richelle Mead, C.C. Hunter and really any paranormal authors
First I want to say how glad and sad I am for this finale of an amazing series. This series is so unique and special I just had to blog about it. I recommend this series to all my friends and even to people I don't know.
I want to start of by saying every word, every character, every book is written in pure perfection and lands itself as my second favorite series which I will say is a feat. 5 amazing stars to Jennifer L. Armentrout a.ka. J Lynn for her adult books and to the Half Blood series for a job well done. And before I get to far ahead of myself here is the summary:

It's a beautiful day for a war. As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos of the godly kind, Alexandria Andros must overcome a stunning defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt of their ability to end this war once and for all. And with all the obstacles between Alex and her happily-ever-after with the swoonworthy Aiden St. Delphi, they must now trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time. In the stunning, action-packed climax to the bestselling Covenant Series, Alex must face a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear... or the end of herself.
That is the Amazon Kindle Link.

My Thoughts
Let me say one more thing: THIS IS THE FINAL BOOK IN THE SERIES!!!! You must read the first book and work through or you will understand nothing. For more details look at my first blog which is on the FIRST book in the series. Okay, then. Let's begin.

Plot: What is truly amazing about this series is how well the plot carries. There are 5 books to this series and when I picked up Sentinel I hadn't read the book before it (Apollyon) in quite some time so I was expecting to have to look back and think when did this happen? Well guess what, i didn't. Not once, which is the first time EVER that i didn't have to look back in a series and be like "Ohhhhh! That's what the author is talking about!" I was so excited by this fact so i told a friend who said the same thing. They plot never leaves you bored with everything that goes on there is no confusion or lag. The plot also keeps you so interested I guarantee you will be reading until the wee hours of the morning and even though you know you should stop you won't because you just need to know what happens. The story focuses on children of the Gods which is something you really don't see often but I wish we did. Plot: 5 stars.

Characters: Alex. Anyone who loves that tough as nails, bad girl who really is kick-ass and amazing then you will love Alex. I might love her even more than Rose Hathaway my number one Book List holder. Vampire Academy is holding on by that only its spin-off is great too but for a side note to fans Ms. Armentrout is giving a big announcement November 16th and I believe it will be a spin-off series with Seth (who I will get to later) as the MC. But that's just me speculating, I'll let you know after I go if its true or not. So anyway back to Alex. She is hilarious and wild but also soft and relate-able. I need to be able to relate to the MC and Alex even through crazy sh!t that she goes through is 100% completely relate-able to. Also Alex is the lovable main character who has such amazing character development though the novels as she deals with sacrifices and hardships and she always comes back on top. I also love that she doesn't whine about poor me and I hate my life. She knows how to fight and man, she fights. Alex is very independent and strong which I think a lot of girls can learn a thing or 20 from her.

When their is a strong female lead there must always be a strong male lead, and boy do we get a strong, really, really, really hot male lead. Aiden. One line from him and you will be swooning in love. He is Alex's medium and rock though this story. By God, I want me an Aiden. (I'll have overnight shipping Ms Armentrout, thanks) He always says the right thing and he always is there to pick Alex up when she stumbles. I LOVE HIM!!! He beats Dimitri Belikov hands down. Yeah girls I said it. Hands. Down. 

There is another male lead and I hate love triangles like all the rest of us but in this I never really felt like it was a love triangle. Yeah there were "Scenes" but i always felt like it was more of of a friendship to Alex than it was for the other male lead. The winner of the best friend/enemy is Seth. Let me start off saying that Seth, you, sir are an asshole. But somehow Ms. Armentrout makes you love him anyway because of how dimensional he is. I have to say it was a tough call who I wanted Alex to end up with at first but I am happy nonetheless. Seth's development was probably the most drastic and the most heartwarming. He seems so human despite his special-umm-ness. He was the most relate-able believe it or not because of his flaws and mistakes. We all make mistakes and have to live with them and I think Seth is the perfect example of character development. I really hope I am right about the spin-off series with him as the MC because I will be ALL over that. Seth is definitely one of my all time favorite book characters of male and female leads.

Jennifer L. Armentrout gives the perfect cast of characters that you will laugh you ass off, cry your eyes out  (especially that one), and wanna punch someone with (which Alex does often). The characters really do make the book and these were truly perfect in their unperfectness. 5 stars for Characters.

Writing/Syntax: The writing was perfect and the syntax was easily read and understood. I only have a tiney, tiny issue and that would be I saw some minor but obvious errors. I believe I picked out about 3 to be exact in this book and more in the others and I except that from self publishers(actually their errors are horrendous) but not an author with a publishing company behind her but as a true editor at heart the errors I saw were obvious and painful. I wish I didn't have to point that out and say the book was perfect but then I would not be doing my job as a reviewer. The errors should have been seen and corrected but I am happy to announce that was the only flaw I saw. But sadly still 3 stars (because they were so glaringly obvious I had to deduct 2 stars) for Writing/Syntax.

Cover: I had to write about this last because all the covers were so beautiful. Sentinel's cover was no exception but i felt like this cover really related to the story with the emptiness and soul looking smoke on it. (I am trying to keep spoiler down to a minimum.) This cover really made me gasp and fangirl because I knew it was connected to the story. So without further ado here is the cover:

Stunning. Absolutely perfect.
Cover gets 5 stars.

Overall the whole book still gets 5 stars even with my 3 stars for writing/syntax. I definitely recommend buying this series and I can guarantee 9 out of 10 people will love it. Above is the link for the Kindle version but you can go to her website and buy the hard copy. It was my favorite book of the series and an amazing end to an amazing series. Everything gets wrapped up in a nice, perfect little bow.
Sentinel gets 5 stars and the whole series gets 5 stars.
Job well done Ms. Armentrout, job well done.

P.S. Feel free to comment but please be kind and courteous to one another and speak opinions in kind words. Please no cussing. Also put your opinion on the book because i would love to read it. :* Thanks!

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